• info@pimser.com
  • Mutlukent Neighbourhood 1989. Street No:7 Cankaya / Ankara

Our quality policy

As Pimser Project Electronics Inc;

An effective Integrated Management System will be implemented by raising awareness of our personnel, covering all our activities. We will continue our activities in full compliance with ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management System standards and by fulfilling all the requirements of these standards. We aim to maintain customer satisfaction by offering products and services that meet customer tastes and demands, within the framework of committing to fulfill the applicable obligations and to show the necessary dedication to continuously improve the performance of the system you have established.
  • To protect PIMSER's information assets against all kinds of threats, known or unknown, from inside or outside, to ensure accessibility to information as required through business processes, to meet legal legislation requirements. By keeping the needs and expectations of our customers in the foreground, using developing and up-to-date technologies and modern engineering methods, to provide our services to our customers in a timely and reliable manner and to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction. To act in accordance with all legal obligations. To increase the product quality and increase the market share by ensuring the efficient use of energy, raw materials and natural resources and closely following the developments in the sector. To ensure the continuity of the three basic elements of the Information Security Management System in all activities carried out.
Privacy:  Preventing unauthorized access to important information,
Integrity: Demonstration of the accuracy and integrity of the information,
Accessibility: Displaying the accessibility of information when necessary by those with authority

Not only data kept electronically; To deal with the security of all data in written, printed, oral and similar media. To raise awareness by giving Information Security Management trainings to all personnel.
To report all actual or suspected vulnerabilities in Information Security to the ISMS Team and ensure that they are investigated by the ISMS Coordinator. To determine the existing risks by making periodic evaluations on Information Security. As a result of the evaluations, to review and follow the action plans. To prevent all kinds of disputes and conflicts of interest that may arise from contracts. To meet business requirements for information accessibility and information systems.
