• info@pimser.com
  • Mutlukent Neighbourhood 1989. Street No:7 Cankaya / Ankara



LiDAR is a time-of-flight sensing technology that measures the lap time between the sensor and target by firing low-power, eye-safe lasers, called Light Emit and Detection. The resulting data is used to create a 3D point cloud image and provides both spatial location and depth information to identify, classify and track moving objects.

Unlike radar, LiDAR can provide a full real-time 3D image. Also, unlike cameras, LiDAR has no risk of personal identification and has a lower false alarm rate. LiDAR creates an image of the target as soon as it determines the distance of the object, thus providing a 3D image of the object and a precise calculation of the direction it is moving – neither cameras nor radar can provide this.